In order to setup integration with billing Gateway go to Integration -> Select Category 'Billing Gateway' and click Next :


Now select the gateway type you want to integrate with.


When you click on the type below screen will pop up. Here you can manage your gateway. To add new, click on Add Gateway


Below screen will pop up :


Field Description
Gateway Title
Unique Gateway Title
IP address
IP address of  VOIP Server
Timezone of VOIP Server
Billing TimeZone
Billing TimeZone is the Timezone in which you want to bill your customer. 
Account Name Format
Authentication Rule based on which system will map accounts between Neon and your gateway
Billing Time
Billing calculated based on connect time or disconnect time of call (start time or end time)
CDR ReRate
 If you want to rate CDRs in Neon set this to ON.
Rate Format : 
CDR rate format. Prefix based OR Charge Code
CLI Translation Rule 
You can use this to modify CLI.  You can type regular expression here e.g. if you want to remove 0330  from the start of CLI  type this  /^0330//
CLD Translation Rule
You can use this to modify CLD.  You can type regular expression here e.g. if you want to remove 0330  from the start of CLD  type this  /^0330//

SFTP Host IP :  Server IP

User Name : username to connect via sftp

Password : Password for above user name

SFTP CDR Download Path : Path where CDR files will be generated by your gateway. 

Default Path for VOS: /home/kunshi/vos3000/cdrs

Default Path for Sippy: /


API Url : Porta API Url

License Key : Porta License Key


PBX Server : Server IP

PBX Username : mysql username with read access to database

PBX Password : mysql password for above user